오승재 장로(박사)소설 콩트 에세이

다락방(영문) 2020.07.23.

성령충만땅에천국 2021. 3. 26. 00:13

다락방(영문) 2020.07.23.

은혜 추천 0 조회 55 20.08.01 17:18 댓글 0

현재페이지 URL복사 https://cafe.daum.net/seungjaeoh/TwAb/25?svc=cafeapiURL복사


게시글 본문내용


내가 지난 7월 23일 자 다락방에 투고한 것이 실리자 미국에서 다락방을 읽은 사람들은 바로 그날 70여명이 댓글을 달았다. 한국에서는 결코 그런 일이 있을 수 없는 일이다. 아마 문화적인 차이 때문일 것이다. 다음 날은 Connie Wildt라는 부인이 나에게 얼마라도 송금하고 싶다고 다락방 편집실에 연락을 해서 다락방에서 나에게 연락을 해 왔다. 나는 그녀가 혹 원한다면 미국에 있는 내 아들 Paul에게 송금해 주면 내가 후원하고 있는 선교사에게 보내겠다고 했더니 석(Paul)에게 위 그림과 같은 예쁜 봉투에 $500.00이나 되는 거금을 보내 왔다. 그래서 나는 환금한 돈 59만원을 선교사에게 보냈다. 너무 감사해서 여기에 올리고 맨 아래에 선교사 가족사진을 올린다. 딸, 아들, 딸 아들, 네 자녀와 함께 살고 있다.




They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.


Mathew 14:20 (NIV)

READ 2 Corinthians 9:6-11




I retired a long time ago but have not been able to fulfill my desire to go abroad as a volunteer evangelist. In the meantime, I have chosen to support others in this work. Recently I heard from a missionary who was desperate because the church that had supplied his major funding could no longer support him. In vain, I begged several other churches to help him.


One morning while praying, I remembered the story of Jesus’ feeding the five thousand. The disciples had suggested that he send the crowds away, but Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away; you give them something to eat” (Matt. 14:16). Five loaves of bread and two fish were inadequate to feed 5,000 people just as the the rod in Moses’ hand could not free the Israelites from Egypt. But in both cases, God supplied what the people needed. Yet I had nothing that would help this missionary. Still, this passage remained with me. Then I remembered a small saving account that I had put aside years before for emergency use.


I have decided I will no longer beg money from other people or organizations for this missionary but instead will give him what I have. Just as God gave manna and quail to the Israelites in the desert (see Ex 16). I believe that when we are willing to give to others, God will provide for us






God of all grace, remind us that we always have something that we can give to those in need. Amen.






My willingness to serve may be an answer to prayer.






Those who need my help


Author Seung Jae Oh Gyerong, Choongnan



From: customerservice <customerassistance@upperroom.org>
Date: Monday, July 27, 2020 at 7:49 AM
To: "ureditorial" upperroom.org>
Subject: FW: A question about giving


Can you respond please?


-----Original Message-----

From: Connie Wildt <cjwildt@gmail.com>

Sent: Friday, July 24, 2020 12:18 PM

To: customerservice <customerassistance@upperroom.org>

Subject: A question about giving


I read the devotional on July 23 that Seung Jae Oh from Chungnam, South Korea wrote. After reading this devotional I felt God wanting me to give Seung some money. Is there a way I can sent some money to Seung?

Please let me know how to do this.

Thank you

Connie Wildt

Sent from my iPhone