오스왈드 챔버스 366일 묵상집(영한) 370

0620 HAVE YOU COME TO "WHEN" YET?=이제 당신은 "때"를 만났는가?

HAVE YOU COME TO “WHEN” YET? “And the Lord turned the captivity of Job when he prayed for his friends.” Job 42:10 The plaintive, self-centred, morbid kind of prayer, a dead-set that I want to be right, is never found in the New Testament. The fact that I am trying to be right with God is a sign that I am rebelling against the Atonement. “Lord, I will purify my heart ..


SERVICE OF PASSIONATE DEVOTION “Lovest thou Me? . . . Feed My sheep.” John 21:16 Jesus did not say—Make converts to your way of thinking, but look after My sheep, see that they get nourished in the knowledge of Me. We count as service what we do in the way of Christian work; Jesus Christ calls service what we are to Him, not what we do for Him. Discipleship is based ..

0618 DON'T THINK NOW, TAKE THE ROAD=지금 생각하지 말고 출발하라

DON’T THINK NOW, TAKE THE ROAD “And Peter . . . walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid.” Matthew 14:29-30 The wind was actually boisterous, the waves were actually high, but Peter did not see them at first. He did not reckon with them, he simply recognized his Lord, and stepped out in recognition of Him and walked on the wa..

0616 WHAT DO YOU MAKE OF THIS?=너희는 이것을 어떻게 생각하느냐?

WHAT DO YOU MAKE OF THIS? “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friend . . . I have called you friends.” John 15:13, 15 Jesus does not ask me to die for Him, but to lay down my life for Him. Peter said—“I will lay down my life for Thy sake,” and he meant it; his sense of the heroic was magnificent. It would be a bad thing to be..